Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A rebellious "bunga api" and the human torch..

Normally, when you light up a "bunga api" you would run like hell out harm's way, right? I remember a long time ago when i was still a kid and i learned that running doesn't necessarily mean you are out of the woods yet.

Whenever raya was just around the corner me and my siblings would light up some fireworks and experimented with them from time to time. Yes, we thought that it was fun to play with fireworks (actually, i was the ring master) hehe. One evening (the night b4 raya), i was feeling more "kambang" than usual and declared that i can run away b4 the "bunga api" api lights up to my brothers~ (one of those spinning types)

I know, i know, you are probably thinking, "duh~anyone can do that (Booooo)!" But here is the catch, i cut the fuse of the "bunga api" so that it was only 0.5 cm (or less) long. My siblings were clapping their hands (either bcoz they were impressed with my valor or impressed with my stupidity) haha. Anyways, the moment of truth... *heart beating fast, adrenaline rushing, and lighter at hand*

3, 2, 1... Fire in the hole!!!!! I ran like a chicken trying to save its ass from the butcher's knife! I saw smoke accumulating as i looked behind me . I continued running 4 a few seconds and turned back only to find the smoke still close behind me.... *uh-oh...something is wrong here*

"Abang!! look down!!", said 1 of my brothers.

To my horror i've been carrying the "bunga api" with me all that time i spent running!! To make things worse, it ignited the lower part of my pajama!Talk about being "on fire!" Don't worry.. Apart from my pride, i wasn't hurt (surprisingly)..What happened was the "bunga api" flew to the folded part of pants and got caught in it! However, i was more interested in finding out why my siblings didn't say so earlier..Then 1 of my brothers came up to me:

Bro: "Abang, you know what i think?" *trying to sound innocent*
Me: "I don't know. Were you thinking holy shit, holy shit my brother is on fire, i wanna savor this moment or damn...my brother is a human torch (while laughing your asses off)?" *being sarcastic*
Bro: all of em! =) *immune to sarcasm*

Bertuah punya adik -.-

The other definition for "make up class"

Finally, a day in the fasting month where my mates and i congregated together 4 sungkai at aneka rasa (well, some of us, not all). Anyways, long story short-we had sungkai together and i made a fool out of myself *sigh*....the end.........
haha nah, just kidding~ xp it happened after we had sungkai. My friends were talking about some Ubd stuff while i was spacing out. When i snapped out of my momentary trance i jumped onto their conversation as follows:

NB F1 and F3: girls, F2: a guy

F1: did you attend it?
F2: yes, i did.
F3: wah..rajin c F2 a..
Me: ada kelas kan? *pretending to know what was going on*
F2: ada jua make-up class ari atu
F3: iatah c F2 ada attend dat day's make up class
Me: ........... *shit*

this is the messed up part...as soon as i heard the term "make up class" i automatically thought that F2 actually took REAL make up classes (one where u learn to put make up and stuff)!! I was shocked and practically dropped the glass from my hand!

Friends: Ngapa ko eh? *stares at me*
Me: .......... WTH??! *still clueless*
Me: you are a guy!!Why take make up classes? *definitely clueless*

And they LTAO.

then came the explanation that revealed my foolishness. They actually meant extra classes, not the literal meaning~man, talk about being "luan belurus." lol :p